The AirBCs

A: Airplane

B: Barking puppy two rows ahead

C: Cookies from wonderful flight attendants

D: Delay – the worst word you can hear

E: Everyone looking at you nervously as you find your seat

F: Food found on the floor

G: Germs… everywhere

H: Holding hands through the scary 

I: Innumerable games, toys and stories to pass the time

J: Jetlag, a fun experience with toddlers

K: Kind strangers helping along the way

L: Landing – my favorite part!

M: Markers rolling down the aisle 

N: No vomit this time. Yayyyy!

O: Other parents who understand your struggle

P: Profanities mumbled under my breath

Q: Questioning my sanity to book this trip alone

R: Reading and laughing out loud

S: Snacks! Always saving the day

T: Toddler screaming in my ear

U: Uncomfortable positions you end up in holding a sleeping toddler

V: Vino – I’m going to need some after this

W: Wings that fly through the clouds

X: Xanax – I need to get a prescription

Y: Yogurt flung at my face

Z: Zzzzz’s on mom


And I Kicked the Football